Friday, December 30, 2011


Happy New Year Everyone!  It is my heartfelt goal to make this blog flourish in 2012, as my passion for all things avian only gets stronger with each passing day.  The boys are doing great.  Timothy is making strides, slow but sure.  He is now taking his feelings and pent up emotions out on the toys I make for him.  He still feather picks, but not as fervent as he used to.  It's a good thing I make the toys because he goes through them with gleeful enthusiasm.  Zeek is still picking on his chest, despite my showing him that my hair is growing back.  Silly bird.  He, like Timmy, is having a blast with the toys, and has a special love for cardboard....LOL.  Gabe is still my little mighty man.  He will be nineteen this year.  He is such a picker eater, though, so the New Year will have lots of new foods awaiting his approval.  I will also be getting my Etsy shop back up and running soon.  Keep checking back here to see what unfolds as the year 2012 kicks off this weekend. 



1 comment:

  1. I always love hearing how the boys are doing and that your toy creations are all that you hoped they would be! A very Happy New Year to you and those sweet boys! xo
