Saturday, June 26, 2010


Hey's me, Timmy.  I just wanted to send out a reminder for all mom's out there that make or buy toys for their feathered kids, to always make sure the parts on the toys are safe.  Zinc free hardware, such as nickel plated or stainless steele, is a must.  Zinc is toxic to us avian babies young and old.  Also, make sure the rope that is used can be easily pulled apart and not stringy to tangle our toes.  A safe bird, is a happy bird.  Have a happy weekend y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Timmy, thanks for the PSA! The med you use as a cleating agent to treat zinc toxicity smells like tom cat urine. If not wanting to make your bird sick isn't enough of a reason to be on the look out for zine in toys, the cure might be the kicker! :)

    And, Timmy's Mom--thanks for swinging by my blog. I actually have your blog on my RSS feed. I'm sneaky that way.
