Saturday, June 18, 2011


 I have had this playstand in storage for many years, saving it for when I had the time to enhance it with toys and for when I had a bird large enough to use it.
 As you can see, it is a very plain playstand with only the bare essentials included.  Sure, it has a swing and some ladders, but not much more.  Basically it is one of the dullest stands I have seen.
 I knew the rungs of the ladders would be much too slippery for my birds, so I pulled out some supplies and went to work on creating a play structure that my boys would love...(at least I hope they love it).
 The rungs were easy enough to cover, but with so many of them, it took quite a while to finish them all.  At this point, things were beginning to take shape.  By adding some more texture, the stand was showing some bird friendly possibilities.
 Adding cotton rope (supreme cotton) will give the boys some grip, texture and chewing adventures.
 And what playground would be complete without a tunnel to crawl into and explore?
 And of course, I had to add a toy from my ZeeksBeak workshop.  This one is called Migraine.  This will give the boys something to pull on and chew...not to mention picking possibilities with the paper stuffed in the ball. 
 It seems that all boys love airplanes, so I added this one to the mix and filled it with millet sprays.  What a treat!
 Why, here is a birdie already playing on the ring swing.  Hopefully this little guy will be a great playmate for the boys.  He is just the right size too.
 Foraging opportunities are a must, and this egg carton filled with small toys and yummy treats will lure the birds to hunt and seek their treasures.
 Adding a rope sphere is a no brainer.  Birds just love these orbs.  I hope one day to be able to afford a real orb from Mother Pluckin Bird Toys.  Check their website out, it's great.
 And who could resist having some monkey business going on in the playground?  These guys are full of fun and mischief.
 Add some balls for movement, sound and extra color and..............................
Tada.....the playground/rumpus room is finished!  Woo hoo....let the fun begin!


  1. Wow, any bird would love this playground, there is so much for them to do. Where will they even begin?!!

  2. That is beautiful! Please post photos of the birds on the stand. They'll probably stop playing the moment you take out the camera, but that's OK.
